Story: Sprint 2.0

Sprint methods are accepted in a wide range of industries. I found AJ&Smart on YouTube. The author Jake Knapp and director has a business relationship. Both Sprint experts. When we finish reading a book, we think we understand, but it is not true. We have to execute the learning. I need to listen to the other way and learn repeatedly.

This blog is Sprint volume 2 for re-learning.

DESIGN SPRINTS (Awesome New Way To Develop Products)

©Coding Tech

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Sprint


Jake Knapp who is an author of SPRINT talk about the story of Design Sprint. My current goal as a graphic designer is to facilitate Design Sprint. For me, finding a solution is the most valuable than a create an APP.

Jake Knapp: author of the New York Times bestseller “Sprint”


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Sprint


He is a director of AJ&Smart. He has a podcast with Jake Knapp.

AJ&Smart: Design Sprint Agency | Google Design Sprints

YouTube by AJ&Smart

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Sprint


AJ&Smart helps the best companies in the world create products and innovate better and faster. They facilitate for the client as well as teach Design Sprint. If you want to know Design Sprint 2.0, AJ&Smart describes the overview and what each day lookalike. The thumbnail design does not fit my taste, but the contents are good.


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Sprint


Whether I facilitate Design Sprint or not, a designer needs facilitation skills. We can use it in a daily meeting with a client.

Conclusion: Before the design

Design Sprint may not value if you are focusing on only designing or if you are working at a stable corporate. There is no software tip, Figma or Adobe CC, on it.

I am freelance and I need a lot to do outside of design work. Design Sprint relates to the client meeting. I need to develop a good relationship with a client. Once I work with a client, I have to maintain it. In many aspects, I need to learn Design Sprint and facilitation.

If you make a career as a designer, you cannot avoid this path sooner or later.


GV by Google Ventures: The Design Sprint

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