Story: Management style

YouTube recommends me the interesting video, What If Your Salary Was Set By Co-Workers? by Bloomberg Quicktake.

@Bloomberg Quicktake

I saw some social movements in The United States and Canada in 8 years. Women relatively get paid lower than men in the same job/position. One of the MeToo movements? Filipino(immigrants) are paid lower than Canadians. I saw it at some companies. The name influences the hiring process. I watched it on CBC. 

The video mentions the practice of radical transparency and it may solve these issues. Each company has a different system and culture. It depends on what the CEO believes. I personally believe Dr. Kazuo Inamori. He developed his business philosophy and methods, ameba management. It’s paramount to me and no doubt.

I am learning how the United States and Canadian companies manage a company, and it proves the value of Dr. kazuo Inamori’s philosophy.

Creating a culture of radical transparency

©Web Summit

– Pain + reflection – progress
– Goals, problems, diagnosis, design, doing
– How do I know I am right?

Idea meritocracy
– Honest thought
– Thoughtful disagreement
– Abide by agreed-upon ways of getting past disagreement

Radical Transparency | Bullish


I don’t use the service, but I knew the company name, Buffer. Radical transparency based on the culture. He mentions the gender pay gap. It’s one of the corporate issues, but I don’t know the priority. I think employees should know the company’s performance, revenue, sales, or profit, etc.

Simon Sinek Reveals What Transparency Really Means in Business | Inc.


Transparency means give context. That’s a fair answer.

Keeping It Real: Why Transparency Matters in Leadership – Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

©Craig Groeschel

– Value of open and transparency
– Authenticity, vulnerability, transparency
– Unify the team = common vision(goal), common enemy
– Not united = purpose is not clear
– Healthy culture is never happened by accident
– Ballance of flexible and control
– Appropriate transparency is in leadership
– How to, when, why do you transparency?
– People want to relate, people want to connect.
– Suspicion = perceived hypocrisy, inconsistency, selfish motive, etc…
– Secrecy bleeds suspicion, transparency bleeds trust.
– Tell the truth
– Truth, integrity, authenticity, appropriate honesty
– Influence rather than authority
– The currency of influence is trust
– True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from influence, and that cannot be mandated. It must be earned. – John C. Maxwell
– Working for you & working with you.
– A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other. – Simon Sinek

He says a lot of quotes. I don’t know his background. I hope he is not a consultant. Knowing management and actually manage a company is much different. In other words, easy to say, hard to do.

Kyocera Philosophy by Dr. Kazuo Inamori

Blog Open Bookmarks Co. Kazuo Inamori Website

©Kazuo Inamori

It is a little different compared to radical transparency, but Dr. Kazuo Inamori who is the founder of Kyocera Corporation has implemented transparent management since the 1960s. It calls Kyocera Philosophy and the value is demonstrated universally in his historical life achievements.

There is much information above. Little different way to explain, but basically, everything is in the Kyocera Philosophy. Over 15K employers follow it in Asia.

Conclusion: Universal value

“The leader were made.”

The position made the person. Humans were basically rude. If we have many choices, the majority of people choose the line of least resistance. However, if society puts a responsible person in the appropriate position, s/he maximizes their ability.

What I mean by that. Do you really have the courage to be a leader? You can think about it after you become a leader. You don’t have option B at that time. Good luck!

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