Story: December 2019
It’s in December 2019. This year has only 22 days left. I found the article below. The article mentions some questions. I responded to each question myself about the year of 2019.
@FastCompany: How and Why You Should Give Yourself a Year-end Review
What were three highs and three lows? This is where you start taking inventory and building awareness.
– Developed landing page by Webflow.
– Apply Interaction (Revolution Slider, Video) on client work.
– Wrote blog once a 5 days.
– ROI of Google Ads
– The response of Facebook Ad
– Job search
What enabled or motivated you to reach those highs, and how did you successfully move through the lows?
– Clear purpose.
– Believe improvement an ability in the future.
– Passion to make my work better.
– Ask or hire someone.
– Keeping apply.
What worked and didn’t work? In other words, what do you need to do more or less of?
– Blog and social media increased an organic traffic. Need considering whether they are really potential clients or not.
– ROI(return on investment. Time in this case.). Rethink about priority, impact.
– Find well channels, referrals, blog, YouTube, Dribble, Behance, LinkedIn, networking, side project, Upwork, Ads etc.
What stressed you out the most, and how could you navigate it better?
– Result of SEO.
– Result of paid ads.
– Search and learn.
And, most important, what were you most grateful for in 2019, and how can you take that into 2020?
– Achieved a certain level of design quality.
– Keep learning and output by blog.
– Meet people, work locally and contribute to society.
I started to write a blog in autumn 2018. I wrote a new year resolution at the end of the year. I could not always focus on it. During the year, I was sometimes busy, sometimes unsure of the impact on my goals.
Anyway, I would like to review what I could achieve, and I couldn’t.
Summary in 2019
I was working at a local company from 8:30 to 4:30 on a weekday until the end of June. I could manage my projects, such as design work, side job, meetup in the early morning and evening after full-time job. I got a few inquiries through the website. It was a tiny project, but it was impacted me about the power of Google. If someone finds me on Google Search, it has possible to receive an inquiry. Therefore, I have to build trust through design. I still learning how to efficiently exist on Google. The image shows a typical day in the first half-year 2019.
I backed to Japan to attended Seiwajyuku World Conference in July. I could see the tremendous impacts of Dr. Kazuo Inamori directly. He is one of the most respectable Japanese in this era. I was so sorry that I could not share with him at the moment. It won’t happen in my life anymore, but I am going to embed his philosophy as much as possible.
During summer, I focused on learning Webflow, web developing software without coding. I got used to build a website by WordPress. I wanted to beyond the current quality. I’m still learning what I can do in this platform, but Webflow became an alternative web design idea for me. It makes me possible to develop an interactive website even the giant companies’ animation, like an Apple, Google, Samsung, or Huawei.
Since September, I developed a few websites by WordPress. I implemented new things, Revolution Slider and video. The interaction made the website more catchy. I am thinking about how much I can contribute to the client’s business by these websites. After all, reach the target audience, in other words, marketing is the key. This is an important subject for me in 2020.
At the same time, I applied to job posts. I had a couple of interviews, but I couldn’t make it. I understand the reason. I should keep it try in 2020.
Lastly, I’ve started to think about startup ideas. I’ve realized that my daily view has changed slightly. Everyone can think about it, how to solve society’s problem. Not everyone executes it. Life is only one time.
Smart goals review in 2019
©Better Than Yesterday
– Receive 3 new projects inquiries, mostly web (or startup branding), through the website in 2019.
→ I received several inquiries, but it was not web design-related.
– Start E-commerce project by the end of June 2019.
→ I considered the only idea. I could not build actually.
– Keep writing a blog(once 5 days) for SEO, promote traffic on Pinterest.
→ Achieved. According to Google Analytics, the blog contributes to traffic, but I am not sure whether blog is a proper strategy or not.
– Upload mockup on Instagram, tell a story on Linkedin and Facebook.
→ I could actively update on Facebook. I was inactive on Instagram and LinkedIn. Because I didn’t think about it’s a high priority. It just excuses.
– I set adequate plans. It was not impossible.
– Word of mouth is also important. Meet people more.
→ Moderate. It has not limit. Need to keep up work.
– Attend a meetup activity.
→ Achieved, but it was not always applied the study of Dale Carnegie. Communication is life subject.
– Utilize social media advertising.
→ Tried. I do not satisfy the result. I would like to master it. Client needs it.
– Within 2019. The measure (reflect) the process and achievement every three months.
→ I did not.
– Write down the goals and set it on a wallpaper.
→ I did not.
Smart goals in 2020
– Receive project inquiries through website. Develop a new website once in 2 months.
– Build an E-commerce site by the end of September, 2020. Promote products through digital marketing for 3 months, late-2020.
I should prioritize what I do daily, an important subject first. what action will contribute to achieving these goals.
– LinkedIn network 86 to 150
– Facebook followers 8,189 to 12,500
– Instagram followers 159 to 300
– Tweets 54 to 300
I can divide the yearly goals into monthly, weekly and daily numbers.
– Achieving these goals are challenging, but it’s not impossible.
– Should keep in mind why I do it.
– Attend a meetup activity for improving communication skills. Keep open mind, ask good questions and be a listener.
– Within 2020. The measure (reflect) the process daily and achievement every three months.
– Develop how to remind these goals daily.
Conclusion: Effort and strategy
Many people put on effort into own project. If we believe what we do, we don’t get tired. The project makes you headache, bring issues, struggle during the process, but it also brings priceless pleasure.
If you are working for a client as a daily routine, without a strategy of your business, it is time to stop, think about big goals. Freelance knows what we can do. Therefore, we sometimes forget skill sets, improve quality of service, consider what the client really needs. We will find what we have to do.
Let’s spend a meaningful time in 2020.