Story: Focus on the value

When I watch a design-related YouTube video, many YouTubers tell us about pricing. Basically, they say charge more. It requires responsibility at the same time. I don’t know how many listeners understand that.

What values are you really providing to a client?

The value is defined by clients. We have to understand(listen) the client’s pain point. The size of the issue reflects the value. Then, the value reflects the price of the project.

I am working with a wide range of clients and they had some issues. Therefore, they contacted me. I would like to make a list of the common website issues and how I approach them.

Outdated Website Design

When I work with a client, it’s not rare that they have a website. The website was developed themself a while ago and a client knows that it’s dated. It’s not a good situation, but I don’t say clients have to develop a new website. Because I often see the situation that a client is doing well in the BtoB market. Their business is already liquid enough and they are not expecting to get a new client through online. However, they would like to display who they are, what they do correctly, and they want to hire new talent. It’s enough good reason to update the website.

It’s not mobile-friendly

Apple announces iPhone on January 9, 2007. Since then, our lifestyle and information technology have rapidly changed. In 2022, Google informed that algorism boosts a lanking if it’s mobile-friendly. People search for information on mobile. I assume that this trend will not change near future.

This is related to the first common problem, outdated website is not responsive website. The display shows the same window as a laptop.  On the mobile, a user cannot read the text without a pinch. This is a good reason to update a website.

For your information, mobile-friendly is not the same meaning as a mobile-first. It depends on the behavior of the target audience. In 2022, I usually develop a laptop version first. Then, I adjust it to tablet and mobile. Reducing content is more efficient than adding content. Anyway, a responsive website is a standard.

It’s not a user-friendly

User-friendly means that the website is developed for the user. The majority of users search on Google to find an answer. User visits a website with a purpose. Display what the user wants is not enough. Organizing and prioritizing the information is important. It calls an information hierarchy.

However, a client often treats information equally. In this case, a user loses focus unconsciously. As a result, a user drops off from the website, a high bounce rate. Google thinks the website does not provide useful information to a user. Then, search rank does not rize. It’s a negative spiral.

User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability, and function. – Interaction Design Foundation

Low-quality content or images

If a website is outdated, this is kind of inevitable. Because of the early era of the internet, we made a website by 960px width. Apple, Samsung and other companies sell huge PC. Resolution increase higher and higher every year. I cannot say that 72 dpi for the website. These days, a website that sets a breakpoint at 1920px is not unique. 1440px or 1320px is a quite standard. I often use the image size, w 1980px by h 1320px, w 1500px by h 1000px. Each image needs to clearly describe what it is at the alt tag.

About the quality of content, please think about the Google search service. Google has to show an answer, the quality of content, to a user. Otherwise, Google loses a user. There is no space for low-quality content. It is not only 0 value. It’s negative for a user and Google.

The good news is that you don’t have to create content from scratch. Google shows the trend, search volume, and popularity. It’s public. You can utilize all the resources which Google provides. The most important is that you provide value to a user. So that, you win and Google wins in the end. It’s a win-win situation.

Slow loading time

The main reason to slow website:
– Using the cheapest hosting server
– Large media files
– Caching issues
– Not using CDN(content delivery network)
– CSS is not optimize
– Poorly-Written Scripts
– Too many plugins
– Internet(WiFi) issues

There are many factors for a slow website. We know that the fast is better, but you have to make it a priority. For instance, the website speed is great, but no useful content. This does not make sense. I figure out the cause and provide a solution if a client needs it.

This website is way too slow compared to the standard even I compress everything, ideally within 3 seconds for loading time. Because I have to use a lot of high-resolution images for a portfolio. However, the bounce rate is less than 10%, actually 4.56% in January 2022. Why? My target audience visits the website with a purpose.

Lack of SEO(search engine optimization)

Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic. – Wikipedia

SEO is fundamental but critical for websites. There are many points for website optimization. 

Onsite SEO
– URL, SEO title tag, page title(H1 tag)
– URL optimization
*Avoid repeat keywords
*Avoid changing URL, use 301 redirects
– SEO title tag = Google search result
*Within 60 characters
*Write meta description, less important, but better to write it
– Page title
– Internal link

Offsite SEO
– Backlink
– Anchor text
*Avoid exact much if a domain has a keyword
*Backlink to home, blog, portfolio
– Avoid no-follow link
– Guest post
– Check competitor’s backlink
– Forum website
– Resource page
– Broken links at the resource page, and ask
– Skyscraper Technique
*Find an article or blog which has many backlinks → Create better, more word counts, layout, etc
– Reverse image search
*Copyright image and ask backlink
– Blog commenting
*Avoid no follow link
– Social profile
*List of top 100 social media website
*Use fiverr service if needs

A website without considering SEO is very problematic. This is related to the contents strategy and it’s influence on the website design. Therefore, updating the website is one of the choices.

No clear CTA(call to action)

All websites are developed with a purpose. The main purpose is sales. To achieve the purpose (in other words, goal), a website has to guide a user to CTA. However, some website does not mention clear CTA. We, as ordinary people, don’t want to be annoyed with others. Don’t want to be pushy. I understand the feeling, but it does not mean you can expect a user’s spontaneous action. This is your business. You provide value. Therefore, you developed a website. You can help a customer with your expertise. Why not reach them, teach them and offer them? I install CTA in an appropriate way on your website.

No tracking or analytics

There are many analysis services, famously Google Analytics. I use Google search console and Facebook pixel as well. It does not gather any specific personal information. It’s more general information, but it is useful when you optimize a website or target an audience on Google/Facebook ads. A website owner should know the performance of a website. Otherwise, a web designer cannot optimize a website or need to guessing game, what’s wrong with it. Data gives us a clue and is useful to make a priority.

404 errors or no 301 redirects

I am sure everyone has an experience accessing the page, 404 – the page is not found. When a client developed a website a few times, it is not rare that 404 errors happen. Some websites are well designed for 404 pages. It is not primally work. It relates to the user experience design.

301 redirects issue is also not unusual. When the client changed the URL, a web designer needs to set 301 redirects. This is the process of onsite SEO. I register your URL on Google Search Console and confirm the page traffic. I make sure that each traffic accesses the page exactly.

If you work with a digital marketing freelance/agency or SEO freelance/agency, they will provide website data by ahrefs or SEMrush. It displays details.

Security issues(http)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is used for secure communication over a computer network, and is widely used on the Internet. In HTTPS, the communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer Security or, formerly, Secure Sockets Layer. – Wikipedia

You can see a padlock icon near the URL bar when you access any recent website. It’s the sign of https and it’s standard in 2022. I still see http sometimes and it was the local hospital when I see it last time. Http is not influenced your SEO negatively, but some latest browsers may notice the security alert to the user. It makes a user concerned. This situation is not a good user experience, unnecessary and avoidable.

Even https is not enough these days. You might see the news of cyber security, ransomware attacks, in 2021. This is not only an enterprise issue, small business has to prepare for it. Website is your sales representative online. It’s an asset. If your business is doing well, the hucking really makes you upset. 

Please check below if you want to know the details about http and https.

Cloudflare: Why is HTTP not secure? | HTTP vs. HTTPS

Receive a lot of spam email

I understand how you feel, how annoying it is. I receive spam(useless) emails in 365 days. Mainly it goes to the spam box, but I need to check it just in case.

As a service provider, we display the email address on the website as well as Google My Business. Some people misuse it, correct the information for transaction purposes. Google evaluates NAP (name, address, and phone number) for local SEO. We install the contact form on the website. It’s the basic CTA (call to action). I install Google Recaptcha on the client website. It protects at least receiving a robot fill-out form.

reCAPTCHA by Google

Other check lists

– Robot.txt files
– XML sitemap
– W3C validation(correct markup)
– Broken links
– Social media integration
– Canonicalization

and more.

Conclusion: Time or money

These common website problems are not an only previous web designer/developer issue, but also industry standard has been changed. In 2022, it is possible to do everything yourself. However, your time is precious. You should use it for your primary business, not a chore.

If your business grows steadily and the website does not indicate who your business is, it’s time to consider updating a website. I am really pleased if I could serve you. I will provide value to you.

Open Bookmarks Co. develops an outstanding brand/website through UX design. A new brand/website confidently communicates with your customer online, social media, and offline. As a result, your business earns trust, increases traffic & leads.


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