Story: Interactive web design

“Best” and “Must” are different. If I think what I must install plugins on my website, these are Yoast SEO, Contact Form 7, Google Analytics or Image Compression.

When I browse the website of creative agencies, some websites caught my attention at first sight. I look for a reasons why I felt so. Most of the case is stunning interaction.

I’m searching for solutions about how I can improve a website. At first, I didn’t know how to search it. I didn’t know the terminology. I believe many people have the same experience. therefore, I would like to share my research.

Slider Revolution

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Slider Revolution

When I use a specific WordPress theme, Slider Revolution shows up. Therefore, I thought WordPress installed Slider Revolution at default.

The interface of Slider Revolution may be overwhelmed for a graphic designer. The timeline window makes you nervous for first-time users. I understand that. Once you learned how to use the Slider Revolution, it’s possible to increase your web design estimate. Please install Slider Revolution in your current website and practice. I wrote a blog in the past. Please check it out.

📝 The Best WordPress Slider – Slider Revolution

Marvelous Hover Effects | WordPress plugin

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Website Plugin

A client shows me his website. I don’t directly touch it, but I am developing brand guidelines. It is still under construction. I had to comment on it. I have to always update my knowledge.

Page transition

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Plugin Wordpress

I personally like the effect, fade up. A tiny difference, but it’s good impression. Rotate is silly. I may doubt a sense if a designer uses it.

WP Plugin: Page Transition
wpmudev: Creating Beautiful Page Transitions on Your WordPress Site

Typing animated text effect

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Wordpress Plugin

When a website finished loading, typing starts. This is the plugin which I saw quite often. Usually, text shows who we are, what we do. It is not so unique. However, interactive design will more engage with an audience than just a slide show.

You have to think about your audience at first. Why they visit your website? What they want to know about you? They pay attnetion only 5 seconds. If you disengage during the time, they won’t back you again. Keep in your mind.

WP Plugin: Typed.js
93digital: Animated Typing Effect

Animation Gifs

Gif animation is quite useful. You can apply this technic to social media ads. According to an analytics, video is high engaging than image. 2D or 3D animation makes feeling overwhelmed. I thought it’s a different occupation. However, when I read a job description, company mentions After Effect or Final Cut for a visual designer position. Now is 2019. We have to skill set and meet an industry requirement. So, let’s get used to gif animation as a novice.

Floating social media buttons

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Plugin Wordpress

I am making social proof in 2019. I will reach 10K Likes on Facebook page this year. I wanted to increase efficiency even I have still half a year.

Some website shows sticky social media icon on the website. It always displays even I scroll top to bottom or access to other pages. The article says it helps to earn a follower. I tried several plugins. I choose Sumo.

Where is it on my website? This plugin(whatever) didn’t fit my website after all. If you are blogger, it may work. You don’t have to much care about design. I am going to use it in the other projects.

Sumo: The Easiest Way To Turn Your Visitors Into Ecommerce Customers

Progresive ber

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Plugin Wordpress

When I access to some blogs, the progress bar shown. It’s a good UI I felt. On the other way, the blog shows how long does the reading take. Interesting. I may install for this blog.

WP Plugin: Reading progress bar
WP Plugin: Reading Position Indicator

Creating Custom Cursors – CSS Only, and JavaScript!

I looked for custom cursor plugin, but I could not find it. 

CSS-TRICKS: Changing the Cursor with CSS for Better User Experience (or Fun)
Mozilla: Cursor

Top 10 Plugins For WordPress 2019

Font Awesome Free’s Cheatsheet

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font Awesome

Famous icon library. After you’re set up on the desktop or in code, quickly copy and paste the glyph, name, or unicode value of any icon.

Try something different every day

Once you get used to making website by WordPress, it’s time to move forward to next steps. Everyone can make a website nowadays.How do you make differences? How do you make an impact to audience? It doesn’t sound professional if it’s only WordPress theme.

Creating a system is important in our business. Even on it, we can consistently improve efficiency. Time is limited. Quick is better service. There is no improving your skills if you repeat same process every day. I know that we sometimes want to relax, take a pause. Even so, we want to go an extra mile, right?

Always be creative in your work!

Let’s Study Together

Tell Me About Your Thought

I am learning the business of design as a freelance. I would like to hear your story based on an experience. Please send a comment or opinion. I will reply to you shortly.