Story: US presidential election 2020

It’s October. My YouTube screen occupies the news of the US election. I don’t have any preferences for the party. I like to watch the debate. I am thinking like, is it a clear answer? How it persuasion? And sometimes, need some jokes.

As a freelance graphic/web designer, I am checking a political campaign design. I can see the tendency. Political campaign design is part of communication. The better is better, but the most important is a candidate.

Political design is very interesting. One of the nitch services. I am curious about it, but I need a native partner if I do it as a business.

President Trump

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design

©Donald J. Trump for President

President Trump has a strong characteristic. In other words, he is designed himself. He has not used a unique and strong political campaign design. The MAGA(Make America Great Again) hat below looks not proper lighting for shooting, but it’s no big deal. There are many vendors that sell unofficial? Trump products in his campaign. Anyway, everyone knows his message, Make America Great Again.

The media picks up the president anyway even though he does not a good relationship with the media. Instead of that, he communicates with the supporter by Twitter directory. I think it’s the benefit of social media. However, Trump takes an aggressive position to COVID-19. His tweets sometimes violate the rules, misinformation. This is an issue of social media as well.

Joe Biden

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design

©Joe Biden for President ©Aimee Brodbeck

Former vice president, Joe Biden. He faced a lot of sorrow in life, but he found a purpose in life, serving the American people.

I am watching his speech and debate. Sometimes, his response is not an answer to undecided voters. I worry about his age as well. I personally prefer the president to serve the American people in 8 years, accomplish what s/he promised/or wants.

About political design, it’s no brainer. Joe Biden’s team puts on much effort more than president Trump. The name is well designed as well as Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016. E, 3 red borders, reminds me the United States of America directly. Very suites for the presidential campaign design. So many goods and it’s fun. People cannot wear close in Republican states though.

As Asian, the US political system is very different. I feel it’s a kind of entertainment. Selling fly swatter is an American joke.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design


Pick up for the political graphics

I looked for high-resolution images on Google, but before 2000, I could not find it. It relates to the era, before the spreading of the internet, desktop publishing by Mac hardware & Adobe software or after. I can find information on Wikipedia, but not graphics. It’s just 20 years, but I felt it’s a drastic improvement.

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Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design

©Blue State

Barack Hussein Obama political campaign in 2012

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©Sender LLC

Barack Hussein Obama political campaign in 2008

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George w. Bush political campaign in 2000. I prefer 2004 design rather than in 2000, but I could not find a high-resolution image.

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Bill Clinton political campaign in 1992.

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Source: Graphic: Joyce Tseng, CNN

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Political Ads

©Donald J Trump: Stronger

©Joe Biden: Keep Up | Joe Biden For President 2020

©Crooked Media: Campaign Experts React: The ‘Radical Left’ Takeover

©Crooked Media: Campaign Experts React to Trump and Biden’s Closing Ads

Database of voting

In October 2020, the data below shows democrat hugely lead. In 2016, I was observing the presidential election on YouTube and I had never thought Trump can win. I am not a supporter for both parties, but In this time, if Trump reelected as the president again, I really have to doubt the function/trusty of media.

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Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design

©FiveThirtyEight by ABC

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©The Cook Political Report

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©Real Clear Politics

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©The Financial Times

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Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Political Design


Conclusion: What you believe

Trump supporters’ behavior looks like President Trump. They active on social media and I see so many accused of Joe Biden. On the other hand, Joe Biden’s supporters exist in the major cities on each coast. They tweet about President Trump clinically.

I am in Canada and I don’t have any relationship with both parties. I don’t have voting rights. I just hope I can work in the United States someday(Joe is better for it?).

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