Story: Measure of value

*Updated: May 10th, 2020

I am providing digital marketing service for a client. I’ve used Google Ads in 6 months, but I couldn’t leave good results. According to Google My Business, the result of each numbers are below.

Mid-April to End of September
View 592/mo → 1.2k/mo
Search 424/mo → 1.2k/mo
Activity 21/mo → 433/mo

The increasing these numbers is not a goal at all. Design(marketing) should lead new customer. This is the ultimate goal and why I provide a service. I could not lead to new clients for them. I have to reflect on it.

I suggested updating the website which was made by an employee. I do not say the cause is the website. Once I think how might I take action for 6 months’ results, a website might cause. I wanted to apply a value proposition and organic keywords on the website. I did not consider to buy a backlink. It’s over the budgets.

The current website was created by He asked me to create a website on the same platform. I knew it is the cheapest option for the client, but it will consume my time more than WordPress. In addition, I didn’t think I can what I want to do with Wix. After all, I persuade and rebuild a website by WordPress.

During build a website, I had to think about the primary font and secondary font on Google Fonts. This is notes for the future project.

Google fonts

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Font Google Fonts

Google Fonts is a library of 960 free licensed fonts, an interactive web directory for browsing the library, and APIs for conveniently using the fonts via CSS and Android. – Wikipedia

I don’t guarantee you every fonts can apply to WordPress. You can upload fonts, but it may be not stable. I usually set Helvetica for the second priority font just in case.

In this project, I use Lexend Exa for primary font, and Source Sans Pro for a secondary font. The font is the voice of business. It is quite important, but designer cannot charge for it. Helvetica, Gotham or Universe, these fonts are the same meaning for the client viewpoint. They just don’t recognize many differences in it. We have to add other values. If it easy to recognize, that’s good. It often cannot see, loading speed, keyword research, and internal/external optimization.

Gothic(Sans-serif) for title

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Space Grotesk

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Lexend Exa(no family)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Barlow Condense

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Staatliches(no family)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Every element has a hierarchy. It’s not only big and small, thick and thin. There are many ways to apply it. A fun aspect of the design.

99designs: 6 principles of visual hierarchy for designers

I looked for a wide font like a Bt America. Lexend Exa is unique enough. I could use Lexend Exa on Fusion Slider, but I could not find it on Slider Revolution. I need research more.


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Open Sans

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Noto Sans

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

IBM Plex Sans

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Source Sans Pro

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


You may use just default fonts, but is it display the client’s voice? I picked up above and these fonts are quite common. Easy to use on any websites. I personally like IBM Plex. It bring a tech atmothphere.

Serif fonts for title

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Cantata One(no family)

Self font makes a website more authentic. I feel gothic may more common than self, but I don’t feel any awkward about it. Cantata One looks thick even it has only regular. Therefore, I categorized for title font. Still on going.


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

©dwell Magazine

Serif fonts

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Libre Baskerville

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

PT Serif

Very traditional and my primary font. The history relates to the book, the part of my name. Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman are also classic and common.

Baskerville’s typeface was part of an ambitious project to create books of the greatest possible quality. – Wikipedia

Slab serif fonts for title

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Yeseva One(no family)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Arbutus Slab(no family)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Lora Bold 700

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Playfair Display Bold 800

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Spectral Extra-bold 800

Slab fonts give impact rather than a common gothic font. I come up with Monocle Magazine at first. I searched it looks Palatino. The combination of slab and gothic will work well. I like the combination rather than the gothic title and gothic body.

Serif fonts for feminine

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

El Messiri

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Chonburi(no family)

When I work for the fashion industry, I come up with Bodoni at first. I could not find it on Google Fonts. It’s a pay font. DidotOptima are alternative.

Round gothic(Sans-serif) fonts

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font


I don’t use these fonts often. It depends on client, business and industry.

Cursive fonts

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

Seaweed Script(no family)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Font

La Belle Aurore(no family)

I am thinking to try to use around the title or vertical letter for accent.

Aaccent fonts

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Google Fonts

Ultra(no family)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Google Fonts

Fugaz One(no family)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Google Fonts

Lilita One(no family)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Google Fonts

Expletus Sans

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Google Fonts

Passion One

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Google Fonts


Conclusion: Experiment on experience

I know how common font works. Everyone, even non-designer can manage it even though I am not sure they understand hierarchy properly. Therefore, I need to experiment. Trends always exist. Follow it. Then, create it for the next movement.


Trend in 2019: Gt America
Traditional font: Copperplate Gothic
Palatino: Designed by Hermann Zapf and published by Linotype
awwwards: 20 Best Google Web Fonts
*I didn’t agree on many above, but I enjoy to look at many fonts.

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