Story: About financial
Sometime in 2021, I visited TD Bank for making a new business credit card for Facebook ads. I talked with a staff, not a teller. She helped me to apply for a new business credit card(it’s accepted) and explained about an investment. I just knew several types of investments, startup, real estate, stock, FX, etc. You may hear NFT or cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, Ethereum, or dogecoin? I don’t think I am eligible for investment, but anyway she explained.
She mentioned RSP(RRSP) and TFSA. I don’t understand them, but I heard them a while ago. I don’t mind paying taxes to contribute the society, but she told me that I can save money.
I could understand what she said, but I cannot remember how it works. I would like to write a blog about RSP(RRSP) and TFSA.
TFSA vs. RRSP: What’s the Difference?
– For retirement
– After you start earning income from employment
– 18% of your earned income reported on your 2020 tax return or $27,830, whichever is lower (2021)
– Carried forward
– Withdrawals are taxable, the contribution room is lost
– Tax-deductible
– the calendar year in which you turn 71
– Contribute directly to a spousal RRSP
– For any purpose.
– 18 or 19 based on your province
– $6,000 (2022)
– Carried forward
– Withdrawals are taxable, added back to your contribution room in the following year
– not tax-deductible
– No upper age limit
– No spousal TFSA
Should you use the TFSA or RRSP?? | Investing For BEGINNERS in Canada
©Brandon Beavis Investing
– TFSA: short term, flexible, no tax break
– RRSP: long term, tax break
Sounds like I don’t have much benefit to use TTSA. I have 2 choices, don’t both or RRSP. I don’t mind paying tax to Canada. I don’t have a mind avoiding paying tax. I am not rich and my contribution to this country is tiny, but it’s my duty. If you think like me, I don’t know I need to use TTSA and RRSP.
Preparing for retirement also may be important though we never know how long we can live.
©Brandon Beavis Investing
– TFSA = Tax-Free Saving Account
– TFSA = Tax-sheltered Plan
– Contribute after-tax
– No tax-deductible
– Flexible
This is easy to remember, Tax-Free Saving Account. According to the video, TFSA has started in 2009. I found some benefits, tax-free investment income, easy withdrawal process, TFSA contribution room is not determined by income, etc, but I don’t know the purpose or reason why it has started.
I like TFSA flexibility though I don’t withdraw once I deposit(invest) money. I don’t use any money for TFSA or RRSP if I can expect a necessity of money near future, house, condo, car, child, etc. Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), Guide for Individuals
RRSP or TFSA? Is It Better To Contribute To TFSA or RRSP?
©The Independent Dollar
This video makes me hesitate to access both TFSA or RRSP. Because I don’t have to think about it. Just depositing money at a bank doesn’t have much interest these days, but at least does not decrease monay.
4 Reasons To Avoid RRSPs – RRSP vs TFSA vs Non Registered Account
©The Independent Dollar
I, as a PR states, don’t know where I am in the future. After all, I cannot use RRSP.
Conclusion: Let’s reach to $100K
I could generally understand what TFSA/RRSP is. I don’t much consider about it. Instead of thinking about investment, I focus on my work in daily life.
During the conversation with TD staff, she mentioned the financial planner. Once I reached $100K, I can consider them, she said. I don’t know that I really use the service, but I would like to meet a qualification in 2 years.
Reference: RRSPs and related plans Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), Guide for Individuals