KM Pacific Investment Inc.

Real estate investment and family business advisory in Vancouver, BC


KM Pacific Investments Inc. is a real estate investment, development and management company that pursues high-quality properties and high investment returns through repositioning. As the only Japanese real estate investment company based in Vancouver, we operate as hands-on. From a company history as a developer, each project incorporates a variety of ideas and offers properties that are on the forefront of trends. – KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website

I am working with KM Pacific Investment Inc. since 2014. They have a website when I met the president. I helped transferring webserver to Canada and updated existed website when they need.

In 2018, the president asks me about facebook ad. I gave some opinions. The one of it was writing a blog for SEO. I knew that it’s not easy to continue. However, he wrote it for over 1 year, even now. Currently, there are enough text on the website. It will be an asset to the business.

KM Pacific Investment Inc. expands business, investment, property management and family business. It became KM Pacific Group. I organized information each companies and rebuild a website by WordPress.


– Website developed without CMS.
– Tried to mulch-language, but client could not update actively.
– It was not responsive, but the audience reaches the website through Facebook rather than PC.

– Investor who has interest to Vancouver’s market.
– Investment company in Japan.
– Family business owner.

– To display the value proposition on the very top.
– To clarify the call to action.
– To implement organic keywords on the pages, 海外不動産投資, 資産運用、事業継承.
– To increase an inquiry through website & Facebook.
– Mobile friendly.

Previous Website

They developed the previous website with design studio. It was around 2012. It’s a good job. However, it was not mobile-first. I could not make it mobile friendly by media queries. It seemed to take much much time. I updated it in 2015 based on the same structure.

In 2018, the president has started a blog once a week. In addition, client promoted a blog by Facebook Ad. Therefore, I suggested updating the website by WordPress to improve efficiency and productivity.

Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website


I unnaturally created business tools, print and dgital materials, in 3 years. I was working in the team of a real estate project in Tokyo, Japan. I knew the industry’s visual standards. Therefore, I could seize a taste of the company quickly.

Recently, the president was interviewed about parenting and released the book. The book mentions a lot of public figures, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, writer Lawrence Hill, academic Niigaan Sinclair, athlete Trevor Linden, etc. It’s a great opportunity for the personal branding. His recognition equals company trusty. It’s great information for champaign.

Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website

©Forty Fathers: Men Talk about Parenting – Oct 19 2019 by Peter Mansbridge


Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website

Web Design

Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website


A few years ago, I customized the website. It based on the previous structure. Since then, I learned the sales funnel and what the website/landing page should be.

In 2021, I am restructuring the website. It will public in May 2021. Stay tuned!

Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website


I applied a clear value proposition to the top. There are many words on the blog. It is good enough for SEO. I installed a video. It will enhance trust more than anything. President worked hard for this project.

I think the time has come. I will try to reach the target audience strategically.

Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website
Open Bookmarks Co. Portfolio KM Pacific Investment Inc. Website

Case Study

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