Story: Yes, we can

I am contributing to a local agency as a freelance(outsourcing). Director asked me, can you use Klaviyo? I have never heard about it. How do you respond?

Klaviyo is a global technology company that provides a marketing automation platform, used primarily for email marketing and SMS marketing. The company is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. – Wikipedia

I responded to it, “I don’t know Klaviyo yet. I will figure it out”. Is this too optimistic? Maybe, but the recent SaaS is made by a UX designer. I think most of them should be user-friendly.

Therefore, I quickly researched Kleviyo, how it works and how to use it.


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing

Klaviyo is a plugin/app on Shopify as well. We can use Klaviyo for any website, but basically for eCommerce websites. They use SMS and email. Recently, I receive a sales message on SMS. It informed a sender whether I open it or not. I check the message on the laptop and delete it before I open it. Klaviyo mentions the figure on the website, but I actually don’t know how much they can really improve sales by SMS.

HOW TO USE KLAVIYO | Email Marketing Software for Shopify [Klaviyo Tutorial for Beginners]

©Stewart Gauld

– Claviyo app on Shopify(connect to the account)
– Lists(all subscribers) or segments(specific condition)
– Create a signup form(a lot of templates are available)
– Targeting & Behavior looks logical
*Generate a coupon on Shopify
– Create campaigns
– Drag and drop, text only or HTML
– Flows → abandoned cart

Good video tutorial for Klaviyo. Klaviyo should make it themselves before the podcasting.

Klaviyo experiment

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing

I could not use Klaviyo intuitively. It is not easy to understand the process. I could not make a draft at the end of the step. Because a client does not have a mailing list. I feel that an early stage of business does not need Klaviyo. They can/should manage a customer interaction manually. Please ;isten customer’s voice carefully. Don’t be a robot. If you have 100+ emails and acquire email addresses frequently, maybe Klaviyo is valuable.

Klaviyo Academy

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing

Klaviyo on YouTube

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing

Need more tutorial content, not recommendations.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Klaviyo Email Marketing

The designer subscribes newsletter for the learning newsletter design, but the email is annoying. Because it occupies the inbox every day. Less is better. Less is less stress.

Klaviyo Product Announcement Event 2021


This is not so simple for the first-time user. I need to learn sharply.

Conclusion: After the learning

I generally understand the structure and process. So, I considered the newsletter development, but I faced the issue. I made a newsletter design before learning Klaviyo, but it has to be developed in HTML. Otherwise, I cannot implement the design. 1-page image for a newsletter is quite unusual these days. I cannot do that.

After all, a client did not use Klaviyo and I am developing 6 newsletters from Ai to HTML. I cannot help thinking about what was this 1 week to learn Klaviyo. Knowing the recent marketing tools and SaaS products are a good user experience for all designers if I think positively. I don’t know when I use Klaviyo in real projects in the future. Will see.

Let’s Study Together

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