Story: Ad account disabled for policy violation

I received an email from Facebook.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads

Hi Takashi,

It appears your ad account was used to create one or more ads that don’t comply with our Advertising Policies or other standards.

Our policies and standards help keep Facebook safe and welcoming for everyone. We use either technology or a review team to remove anything that doesn’t comply with our policies or standards as quickly as possible.

Your ad account was disabled for not complying with the following policies:

Facebook Advertising Policies – all ads promoting products and services, as well as Page post content that is boosted, are required to comply with our Policies in order to create a safe environment for people on our platform. Please read through our Policies for more details including examples of do’s and don’ts.

I don’t think I violate any Facebook policy, but I need to fix it. This is a natural human response, defense. Anyway, I have to know below.

1. What’s wrong?
2. Know what I should not
3. Do not repeat this again

Contact to Facebook(Link on the image)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads

How to Correct Costly Facebook Ads Mistakes

©Social Media Examiner

– Running the wrong campaign
– Boost to the wrong goal
– Copywriting ✓✓✓
– Avoid “you”, “your”
– Sensitivity like a money, number, health, relationship
– Keep positive, not negative
– Additionally gender, age, religion, politics…

Copywriting is deep.

How To RECOVER A Disabled Facebook Ad Account

©Ben Heath

Request a Review of this ad account

I feel this guy really violated the Facebook policy somehow. How we get a violence notification once a week? It sounds like something wrong for him, to be honest.

I accessed the page, but I could not the request. The account does not show on the tabs. The page requires logins even I’m in. Therefore, I did chat with human support. You can see it below.

How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Ads Account

©Social Media Examiner

As the video said, I don’t see any account on the tabs. So, I did chat.

1. Follow the policy
2. Add a new credit number
*No way. How many people have mulch business credit cards?
3. Privacy policy
*I don’t think this is the reason for the violent Facebook policy.
4. User-friendly website
*Is this really related to the issue?
5. Do better

How To Recover A Disabled Facebook Ad Account in 2021 (WORKING)

©Jordan Platten

– Copyright
*Not my case
– Sexual image
*Not my case
– Before & after
*Not my case
– Restricted keyword
*Not sure
– Before & after
*Not my case

– Verify the website(where is it?)

I feel these guys are really violent about the policy. The way to speak is not so polite.

How to RECOVER a Disabled Facebook Ads Account (March 2021)

©Oscar Schnell

I did not use REQUEST TEMPLATE, but politeness is always better.

Dear Team,

this ad account has been disabled yesterday. I am not quite sure why this happened. After reading the Facebook Ad policies in detail again, I believe that the account got disabled because [reason you think was the problem].

Could you please clarify where the problem lies, so that I know what not to do the next time?

It would also be very appreciated if I could get my ad account back because my business relies heavily on Facebook ads.

Kind regards,

[your name]

Chat with Facebook

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook

First, if you haven’t yet, please head to to appeal the decision of your disabling. Second, all Ad and Ad Account Reviews are completed internally and we do not have visibility on their process for their decisions. We have to abide by these decisions, and assist the clients like yourself accordingly. Please let me know if you can access the link above, and if you can process the account for review.

The problem is that I could not send the form. FB support helped me with it.

Response from Facebook

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads

Hello Takashi,

Hope the day finds you well and safe. Thank you so very much for your patience. We have heard back from our specialists. They had a look at your ad account and unfortunately they won’t be able to re-enable it.

All ad accounts are evaluated for policy compliance and quality of ad content. Due to your ad account consistently promoting ads that don’t comply with our Advertising Policies or other standards, the ad account has been disabled.

I suggest taking a look at our e-learning Blueprint module to better understand our Advertising Policies. You can access the module via this link.

I’m going to go ahead and close your case after I send this email. If you need any help in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach back out to us at:

I know that you did not get the information that you were hoping for, I offered what insight I could on this issue, and tried every route that is available to us for _. I absolutely wish I could assist further!

I can certainly understand that this decision is going to impact you, and I think you need to be heard! Please feel free to provide your feedback about this situation using our Feedback form. It can be found here: and it is the best way to help us make needed changes to our platforms and policies.
Any feedback you can provide would not only help our Platform specialists identify changes that need to be made, it also has the potential to help other users in similar stations as yourself in the future.

You will receive a survey shortly based on my personal performance, and I would greatly appreciate your feedback!

Thanks for contacting Facebook Concierge Support and have a beautiful day!

Concierge | Facebook Support

It looks like a copy and pastes email. I don’t feel it’s a human. The problem is that Facebook does not say what’s wrong with it.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads

I checked the ad account. I noticed that I had another ad account, but I don’t have another credit card for business. I have a few credit/debit cards for private usage. I don’t want to use them.

Before that, I need to know what was wrong. I checked the policy carefully.

What We Consider
During the ad review process, we’ll check your ad’s images, text, targeting, and positioning, in addition to the content on your ad’s landing page. Your ad may not be approved if the landing page content isn’t fully functional, doesn’t match the product/service promoted in your ad or doesn’t fully comply with our Advertising Policies.

My assumption:
– Image is not fit to contents
*How do I delete a photo I uploaded to Facebook?
*Replacing a Photo in Your Facebook Post
– Business category
*The website needs to match to ad(The client has 2 completely different services though.)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads

Be careful:
Prohibited Content
28. Circumventing Systems
Ads must not use tactics intended to circumvent our ad review process or other enforcement systems. This includes techniques that attempt to disguise the ad’s content or destination page.

Restricted Content
6. Subscription Services
Ads for subscription services, or that promote products or services that include negative options, automatic renewal, free-to-pay conversion billing products, or mobile marketing are subject to our subscription services requirements.

8. Branded Content
Ads promoting branded content must tag the featured third party product, brand or business partner using the branded content tool. Branded content within ads is defined as a creator or publisher’s content that features or is influenced by a business partner for an exchange of value. When promoting branded content integrations, advertisers must use the branded content tool (please learn more here on how to tag the featured third party product, brand or business partner).


After 1st rejection, I modified the posts, deleted links and changed images. Then I asked for a review again, but it was rejected again.

I have no idea what’s wrong. I searched on Google, Facebook Ad example. Then, I decided to compare the good ad and my posts. It may show something clue.

Extra research

Text Recommendations
– Primary Text: 125 characters
– Headline: 40 characters
– Description: 30 characters

Facebook Ads Guide: Image

I looked at good examples below. Posts are relatively following text recommendations, but is it cause of disabling ad account? That sounds harsh though.

Hubspot: 15 of the Best Facebook Ad Examples That Actually Work (And Why)
Buffer: The Complete, Always-Updated Guide to Facebook Advertising
GetResponse: How You Can Use Facebook Ads to Promote Your Blog
Content Marketing Institute: 9 Brilliant Tactics to Promote Your Blog Content on Facebook
Claire Pelletreau: 5 Reasons to Promote Your Blog Posts with Facebook Ads (Plus How Much to Spend Each Month)

Additional solution

I am searching for a solution myself. At the same time, I posted Facebook Ads Investigation Project at Upwork. It’s better to learn from professionals.

I received 13 proposals, 6 shortlists. Someone mentions Facebook Account Score. I checked it, but looks like it looks not the reason.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable

I noticed that this kind of project on Upwork is not easy to decide a candidate. Everyone shows confidence, but I don’t need it. I need a tangible solution. Once I contract with a freelance, I want to pay fee, but if they failed, I will be upset with a payment.

Case Study 1

I hired a upworker.

At first, I added him as Facebook admin.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable

He asked me to create a second Facebook account. I did not know that people can make a 2 account on Facebook.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable

He, after all, created my 2nd account himself. It’s the same name I am using. People can make a fake account this way if this is possible. Anyway, I am waiting for 6 hours.

2nd account which he created by my name was shortly disabled. He used something old account. A profile is not related to me. He sent me ID/PW. I used it, but there was a security check. Even he told me an answer, FB denied it a lot. In the end, I could log in, but I don’t think this is the solution. I cannot use my business credit card if my account is disabled. I don’t know how I can work for clients with fake accounts.

This is 2 failed, choosing the wrong freelancer on Upwork, and still disable a FB account. Miserable.

Case Study 2

I hired another upworker. He is in Australia.

The first action was different. He asked me to add him as a business partner.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable

He taught me 2 things.

Text @facebook does not comply with use our brand asset policy.

I sometimes did it when I posted a related topic to Facebook. Basically, when I ads, I should not use @ or # on the post. It’s safer to avoid FB policy.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable

Facebook: Identity Confirmation

He mentions identity confirmation even though it’s a small chance, he said. I don’t ads for social issues, but I sent ID information. FB send me a letter in 3-7 days. I can use the code by June 2, 2021. Strict.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable

I received the letter and applied for it in no time.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable

He asked me to send a message to Facebook. I explained that I could not find disable ad accounts on the tabs. However, Facebook showed ad account and required an ID card. The screenshot is after I uploaded my driver’s license.

It’s been a while. Facebook did not mention any update and the ad account is still locked. I could not find a solution for it.

The people can create 2  business accounts at ad manager. If you are locked in one account, you can create another account. I felt it’s better to use a different number of a business credit card if you have one.

©Jordan Platten: How To Set Up Facebook Ad Clients – Updated Method!

If I don’t misunderstand, I have 2 ways to manage Facebook ads.

1. Create a business account, create an ad account for each client(or each campaign)
2. Create a business account for the client, create an ad account in the client account

7 Facebook Ad Copy Techniques That WORK

©Ben Heath

Facebook Ads in 2021: My NEWEST Secret Strategies & Pro-Tips!

©Wes McDowell

Top Facebook Ad Design Tips That Convert to Clicks (Plus Examples)


Conclusion: After Disabled Facebook Ads Account

*Updated: May 29th, 2021

I had been stuck for almost 2 months. How many times I requested unlock to Facebook, they did not accept and never say what’s wrong with me. I hired a digital marketing company and I worked with him for a month. After all, I could not unlock the primary account, Open Bookmarks Co..

1 tip I can say now is that you can do FB advertising even 1 ad account is locked from Facebook if you have another ad accounts. If you spent enough money on ads, you can create 5 ad accounts under 1 business ad account(2 business ad accounts maximum). As I said, I have one more ad account under the Open Bookmarks Co.. I also created another business ad accounts, Open Bookmarketing Co. I don’t use my ad account for client’s ads anymore. I learned it.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Disable

If I were locked in both FB ad accounts, that’s quite a big issue for my business. I suppose that I cannot create a Facebook ad for promoting my business. I may be still able to do ads for clients if a client shares their ad account with me. Honestly, I don’t know. I have not been in the situation yet.

I hope it won’t happen.

*JIC means just in case.


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