Story: Can everyone make a website?
The short answer is yes if you use a template and just change the contents, text, image, etc. In this case, you don’t have to use WordPress, Wix or Squarespace are also okay. The website may not actually work for your business though.
Website development does not finish when you release a website publicly. You have to maintain, analyze, update, optimize it. Therefore, I don’t recommend doing it yourself. There is really too much work. Even working as a web designer, I face issues a lot even though I solve them quickly.
This is a note of WordPress issues that I faced during the project.
How to Export/Import a Single WordPress Post/Page?
©Elegant Themes
The video mentions the plugin, WordPress Importer. However, the reviews are not so good. It makes me anxious.
©Blog With Ben
I did not know that WordPress has a menu for import/export. I have never used it. I expect some layout issues when I move the contents from one another. Will see.
Popup notification
©ThemeIsle: WordPress Tutorials & Reviews
When you visit a website, you may get a notice about GDPR. or many websites mention about the current business situation under the COVID-19. I needed to use a popup function.
When I push the closed button, the popup disappeared even I was still setting it up. I didn’t know how to show it again. I set the cache for 1 second, but it didn’t work what I thought. After all, I deleted the file and create a new file. I consume time like this at each issue.
©Darrel Wilson
Membership or login button is not an unusual situation. We can see often at other websites. Therefore, I thought I can find a free plugin. Even default theme may have it.
I developed a non-profit organization website and I am thinking below:
– The organization basically want to show activity, welcoming guest. Do I need to make a member page?
– If I separate member and guest, how do I tell upcoming activity to guests?
– Paying for membership plugin is too much. It’s a non-profit organization.
It will be updated when I experienced it in my work.
I am in Canada and I focused on my website only English for 4 years. I personally still prefer it, but if I want to expand an opportunity as much as possible. I have no reason to avoid developing the mulch-language website.
The easiest way may be plugins, but I don’t have a good impression of auto-translation. It’s getting better and better, but it still needs improving. The example is below.
Hyatt’s website is a pretty good example. I didn’t see many strange words. On the overhand, the Vancouver Public Library website is a standard of bad translation. I feel it’s better to use English. This Japanese translation makes me confused about what the menu is. I think they are using a free plugin.
There is auto-translation. I face it when I use a Google-related website, but it has to be careful. I have some irritating experiences. The website does not ask anything, but changes the language automatically. A few websites do not have language choices. It’s terrible UX. I often think that I don’t need a translation without asking it to the user.
If I use a plugin for translation in the business, I need much better quality. In the future, auto-translation will be standard, but in 2020, we have to figure it out.
WP Rocket: How to Optimize the SEO of Your Multilingual WordPress Website
Weglot: 4 Key Search Engine Optimization Tips for Your Multilingual Website in 2020
©WPBeginner – WordPress Tutorials
WP Plugin: Polylang
©NYC TECH CLUB: How to Translate WordPress Website for Free – 2019
WPPlugin: Google Language Translator
©WPBeginner – WordPress Tutorials: How to Add Google Translate in WordPress
©Darrel Wilson
The quality may be good, but I don’t want to use a subscription plugin. I don’t want to pay for it forever. I think many freelance graphic/web designers understand it.
©WordPress Tutorials – WPLearningLab
I need to compare it to other plugins if I use them.
©Google Webmasters
URL for the multi-language website
– A separate page each language, not plugin.
– Each page has own URL
– Use country domain:,, domain.zh,, etc…
– Subdomain:,,,, etc…
– Subdirectory:,,,, etc…
IgniteVisibility: International SEO (Multilingual and Multi-Regional SEO) Get Started Now!
*6:01 for URL structure
– Subdomain when you use different topic
– Subdirectory when you stick a topic
For example, Apple uses a subdirectory. Hyatt Hotel uses hreflang. I don’t feel any problems with the subdomain as well. Because when the audience searches the page by another language, my English page doesn’t need to show up. I use a Subdirectory.
Marcello Brivio: How To Manage URLs On A Multi-Country And Multi-Language Website
There is language code and country code. Nowadays, people live everywhere. Therefore, if I use language code for a subdirectory, it’s more logical.
Domain for the multi-language page below. ✔️
Main(English Speaker):
Bluehost support created subdirectory and successfully made a clone site. I realized that under the same domain, we can use the WordPress theme without concern. It’s a good benefit for a designer.
Language code reference
Search Console Help: Managing multi-regional and multilingual sites
Event Calendar
The Event Callender is the one of top Plubin in this category. As a default, The Event Calendar shows up on the plugin page. I tested it. I am little unusual situation. I need to distinguish the event for members and guests. Then I got the issue below.
– Protect page shows unnecessarily blocks
– I don’t want to show share box here
– This is not theme problem. This is happened on the other theme
I asked The Event Callender support. They require the premium something. Which means I have to upgrade from a free account. No way.
I stuck a few days on the event calendar.
– I could not find the Fusion Builder on the event page.
– I checked Activate Block Editor for Events and it was not efficient.
– I am still looking for how I can install a calendar on the page I want by shortcode. ✔️
– I tried to install the Fusion Slider above the calendar, but the calendar blocks the Fusion Slider.
– When I set the list view, I want to delete the description.
– I don’t like the event title and data on the feature image. I don’t know how to customize it. ✔️
Calendar Embed Shortcodes
*Sounds like the shortcode is only available Pro ver. It costs $89. I may consider the other plugin which can use shortcode.
©Web 907 – Alaska Web Design & SEO, Fairbanks
I looked for an alternative plugin. It’s
– Install wherever I want by shortcode
– Easy to set up
– Don’t force to use template design to user
Search Page
I set off for the search function since I develop this website. I wrote the blog for the community and for myself. I learn a lot through the freelance project, Open Bookmarks Co. I don’t want to forget this experience. I also thought other freelance, graphic/web designers may face the same issues. Therefore, I wrote the Study of Design.
It’s for over 2 years. I need to search for how I achieved the task in the past. I was searching for it on the dashboard for a while, but I felt it’s an inconvenience. I installed a search function.
Even there is a video, I faced the issue. I could not find Request Parameter. There is no menu in the Element. It has to click Dynamic Content, the icon beside Title.
You normally cannot see the Layout Section Element menu on the Element. It’s only Avada > Layouts > Select Content. Very tricky. I think many people has the same issue.
How To Build A Custom Header
In the Avada theme, I can install several nav menus for each page. I still look for how to do it without a logo or change a logo on each page. When I need to hide a logo, I don’t install a header. Then, I make a menu manually. It’s inconvenient, but it works.
Avada updated the Fusion Builder. I have never seen this menu style before. I need to know.
This is an example. I need to install an online order button as well as a food delivery order button. It occupies too much space in the nav menu. It may be better if it’s the logo/icon, but I don’t know it works on mobile. Will the logo be a text on the dropdown menu? hmm…
How To Use the Container & Column Background Options
I was looking for how to blend background image with opacity color. As the video mentions, an image is always top on the background color. Therefore, I stumbled to it. I changed the background color, but I could not see the result. I didn’t know how to manage it on the Fusion Builder. I used it by Photoshop, but it’s inconvenient.
I need the same function on the footer as well.
Managing Privacy Options & the GDPR With Avada
Install 1 topic through bbPress
©Live Blogger
I needed to install a comment function on the landing page. I used a page rather than a post. Therefore, I could not find a comment checkbox on the backend. According to YouTube, bbPress is very common for the forum. Even the default, Avada already shows bbPress.
I installed a forum at section, but I didn’t embed the code for registration. Without it, a guest cannot join a forum.
[bbp-login] – Display the login screen.
[bbp-register] – Display the register screen.
[bbp-lost-pass] – Display the lost password screen.
*Login may not need. It’s automatically shows under the forum contents.
*[bbp-register] is must.
– I could find the shortcode, but I had no idea about ID.
Conclusion: After I was hacked my website
On August 18, 2021, my website was hacked for the first time in 4 years. I learned about hacking. I heard the in most cases, a website is hacked through an updated WordPress theme or WP plugins. I deleted/updated both.
Is WordPress really easy? I cannot say that. So many things I have to learn, even now.
WordPress Support: We’ve got a variety of resources to help you get the most out of WordPress.