Story: Power of newsletter

When I watch digital marketing/E-commerce/dropshipping on YouTube, many people tell $XXXX in a few days/weeks/months. I don’t trust any of them. They usually don’t mention the cost of marketing, only sales.

Behind the story, these people have already developed a certain quantity of communities, a number of followers on social media or newsletter subscribers. We need to develop it. When I work with clients, I need to integrate Mailchimp into WordPress/Contact Form 7. I search it each time when I need it. So, I made a note here.

Contact Form 7 Mailchimp Integration

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Mailchimp

©WordPress Tutorials – WPLearningLab

I could not find the list tab on the Mailchimp dashboard in 2020. However, the client already had a Mailchimp account for a while. Once I install API, 1 list displayed automatically.

How To Integrate Mailchimp with WordPress

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog WordPress Mailchimp


I had a Contact Form 7 on WordPress. Therefore, I chose it first. I think this way is easier than the above.


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Mailchimp Newsletter WordPress
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Mailchimp Newsletter WordPress

Once you installed the plugin, you can find the tab on Contact Form 7. If you stack during the process, please search for a solution on YouTube.

You need CSS knowledge if you want to customize the form, style(1 line, 2 lines, etc), button color, box size, and so on.

Sample: Thank you mail


Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. We will be sending you content from the news, blog, and upcoming programs.

*Introduction about you/your company and service here.

If you have any questions or comments about the content you’re receiving please email back and we will respond to your inquiry promptly.


MAILCHIMP TUTORIAL 2020 | Complete Email Marketing Guide For Beginners (Updated)

©Darrel Wilson

I don’t write the note here, but this is the reason why I have to install the subscription form on the website.

Conclusion: The entrance of the sales funnel

All website should work as an online salesperson. So, if a client can make a newsletter at least once a month, I should install a subscription form on every website.

Ideally, a website should be installed a transaction function and sell a service/product online. The website basically works 24/365 for you. Of course, it is not easy to persuade consumers. This is the next step.

Let’s Study Together

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