Story: Follow the culture

It’s September. In the north US, September is the start of new season. Summer is over. The new grade starts at school. I have no education in Canada. Therefore, I don’t get used to it, but I feel it enough.

People back to work at the new season. We have a lot of opportunities to meet up people in the city. When I receive a permanent resident, I visited a lot of organizations which help new immigrant. They taught me how to find job rather than introduce a position. During the session, they always mentioned the importance of social networking. However, an ordinally new immigrant like me does not have family, relative, neighbor and acquaintance. I have to connect to people, develop networking myself from 0. I don’t complain about it. I chose to stay in Canada. I should start at -1. It pushes me to move forward.

Basic rules

I attended a lot of meetup and social events since 2016. I have a lot of miserable memories. Thanks to my personality, I don’t dwell on the past. On the other word, I’m just weak about memory. I learned from failure and I made basic principals.

– Arrive the venue earlier(before be clouded)
Once people made small groups, it becomes harder and harder to interrupt a conversation. If you have this situation, just stand up near the group. Keep listening. Someone will take care of you once conversation has done.

– Don’t touch cell phone often at the venue
I saw many people who cannot connect in front of people. Therefore, people escape to social media/cell phone. It looks really absurd. You don’t have to connect to friend during social networking. Just Turn off.

– Bring positive attitude
People like to talk to positive people. It boosts their motivate. Make them a good time at the moment. Majority of successful people are positive. It’s not nature. You have to maintain somehow.

– Take initiative of convasession
Don’t wait for someone to come and talks with you. Say hi from you at first. Take initiative. Normally, people who attend meetup are socialized. They respond to your conversation if you try. Sometimes people show an uncomfortable attitude. Don’t think too much. Let them go and keep your mind indifferent.

– Smile
I learned it by Dale Carnegie who is the author of “how to win friends and influence people”. People love baby and dog. Because they show us unconditional smile. It makes us smile. You can use the tips.

– Talk what do you do?
You can watch many videos below. They actually don’t recommend to ask what do you do. In my opinion, I simply want to hear what they do. I like to know about business, passion and challenge.

– Ask the theme of event
People gather at the place. Because they want to meetup(or study something). In this case, English is very helpful. Everything starts “how are you ? How’s it going?”.

– Listen
Don’t talk too much. Don’t sell yourself. Listen. Ask question. Have a curious in front of you.

– Don’t try to sell anything
I did it. It was totally wrong. People hate it. I felt that when people try to sell their product/service which I don’t need(or simply cannot afford it).

– Possess curious to 360 degrees
Everyone is something good at. People who are in front of you is something professional, financial, real estate or software engineer etc. whatsoever, you have to keep talking. I genuinely like to learn their business. Therefore, I don’t have any worry to talk to people.

– Ask networking which you need
I want to work with local creators, any designers, programmer, illustrator and photographer. Hence, I always ask people whether they know someone who works as these titles.

– Follow up early the next day by LinkedIn
You may exchange a couple of business cards during an event. Please send thank you notes on LinkedIn. Email is also okay but time goes by, I cannot remember every one of people. Therefore, I prefer to connect at LinkedIn.

 How To Hack Networking | David Burku

– Networking and professional connections are hugely important to our career and our lives.
– Networking makes us feel dirty.
– Networking that’s already around you and acting accordingly.
– Reach out people you haven’t talked in a while.

– Who do you know in “industry or job title”?
– Find shares non-work interests.
– Friends make you happy.

 The art of active networking | Mark E. Sackett

– Who are you?
– What do you do for a living or want to be doing?
– Why are you specifically here today?
– What is it in life that you are absolutely passionate about?
– Power of us working together is greater than anything that we can accomplish on our own.

Networking for Success | Theresa Reaume

– Networking is skills that anyone can learn. Anyone can improve upon with practice.
– Building your brand at networking.
– You conduct yourself is gonna help you how people get to know you.
– Body language.
– Don’t approach people who are having an intense conversation.
– Look for open circles.
– Lateral networking connecting on similar interesting.
– Who what where when why and how opem-ended questions that promote dialogue and show that you have an interest in other people.
– Networking is not about closing sales. Networking is about building rapport and building trust.
– It takes time if you want to build relationships.
– Networking is helping other people without expecting anything in return.
– VCP process: visibility, credibility and profitability.
– Follow up.
– Connect on LinkedIn.
– Networking is marketing.

How to Have a Good Conversation | Celeste Headlee

– Are there any skills more important than being able to sustain a coherent, confident conversation?
– Don’t multitask. Be present.
– Don’t pontificate.
– You need to enter every conversation assuming that you have something to learn.
– True listening requires a setting aside of oneself.
– Use open-ended question.
– Go with the flow.
– If you don’t know say you don’t know.
– Don’t equate your experience with theirs.
– Stay out of weeds, details.
– Listen.

Conclusion: Practice, reflect and practice.

Some of the tips are same, some of the tips are contradicted. You don’t have to apply if you don’t agree. You can pick tips up top 3.

I failed a lot since I started to attend a networking event since 2016. I sometimes could not talk anything with people, just listened to a presentation at the event. It was miserable. However, I like to meet people. I understand how the importance of meeting people in my life. Therefore, I don’t give up to meeting people, talking with people and connecting people. This is my life purpose.

I hope you realize what skills we need as graphic designer.

Let’s Study Together

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I am learning the business of design as a freelance. I would like to hear your story based on an experience. Please send a comment or opinion. I will reply to you shortly.