Story: What is leadership?

I’m a freelance web/branding designer in Vancouver, BC, Canada. As you know, a freelancer has to do everything, sales, marketing, meeting, negotiation, project management, and accounting. Sounds like it doesn’t just a designer, right? Exactly! It’s my aim to come to Canada. I wanted to take responsibility by own. So, it’s tough but meaningful.

Since I started a business in 2016, I had to earn trust from a very bottom. Adapting a local society (community and culture) is very hard sometimes. No one care about me. In other words, everyone ignored me. Let me be clear, people is kind basically. However, work as business partner is not easy, I mean. I had to be so good, soft and hard both skills. Once I established this position, they won’t be able to ignore me.

Through this process, I found the word, entrepreneur and readership. In 2015, I’ve joined a Seiwajyuku which created Dr. Kazuo Inamori who is a founder of Kyocera Corporation. CEO of Small and middle size company are learning his philosophy sinceally in the United States, Brazil, and Asia. I’m learning how should keep a mind as a leader from Dr. Inamori. The conclusion is “respect the divine and love people”. I’m going to blog near future. It’s a lifelong study.

Tony Robbins on the Psychology and Skills of Exceptional Leaders

What is the leadership?
– The leadership is a skill of influence.
– The leadership is the most important skills of any human being master.
– The leadership is not a position.

How do you do it?
– The leader train myself like an athlete.
– Using body first (Power posture), not a brain.

What the qualification of the leader?
– Everyone can be a leader in our own life.
– The leadership is a skill.
– The vision larger than myself. It drives passion. Then, accept disappointment and failure. Learn from that.

How to influence everyone?
– I have to know how to change the other people states.
– Understand what is the people’s blueprint?

Should know:
– Technology makes a labour less valuable.
– It’s not a value of a soul, it’s a value of the market.
– Need to retool yourself. No one can help for you.
– You can have a standard education. Cannot expect extraordinary life.
– Constantly never-ending self-education.
– Where is the skillset the value of a marketplace?
– Developing myself is the most valuable investment.
– Progress equal happiness.
– What is my core values?
– You don’t have to originate an idea.
– Try a new experiment, listen to a new voice, ask a new question, stimulate new answer.
– Work on the business, not in the business once a week, at least 90 mins. Lose react in daily.
– Find a model.

Dale Carnegie: Professional training from the best in business

Start with Why – Simon Sinek at USI

What does it means lead?
– All leader has one thing only, follower. If people want to follow you, you are the leader.

Know your leadership style, how to adjust your style of leadership to your situation etc. That is not leadership, that is management.

What is the follower?
Somebody who to go volunteers where you want to go. Someone who raise their hand and sais I choose to follow you.

Why should anyone follow you?
2 ways you can make a follower, you inspire people or manipulate people.

Every organization knows what they do. Some know how(difference, value proposition, proprietary process) they do it? Very few organization aticulate why they do it.

Jeff Bezos, CEO and Founder, Amazon

©The Economic Club of Washington, D.C.

– Day one mentality.
– All my decision in business and life have been made with instinct, guts, intuition, taste, heart.
– Stay focus on customer instead of a competitor.
– I want to minimize the number of regrets that I have in my life.
– Getting wrong isn’t that not bad. The big winners pay for thousands of failed experiments.
– I’m always trying to figure out one thing first and foremost is that person a missionary or a mercenary.

Amazon Leadership Principles

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

©Stanford Graduate School of Business

– The ability to think, pursue your passion, have enough confidence as well as humility.
– The most understated part of leadership is judgment.
– Empathy is something that we are all very capable of life teaches us.
– Don’t wait for your next job to do your best work.
– Being comfortable with confronting my own fixed mindset each day.
– Three pillars, diversity and inclusion, customer obsession, to fragmented setup pals.
– Transitions are secular, they are inevitable, but how to make a transition?
– Someone somewhere has to remove some constraint. Who does it? Leader.
– Decision to growth and profit at the same time.
– We need to see success all around us. It makes us grounded.

Very deep meaningful interview to Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai

©Thayqua: Google CEO Sundar Pichai Interview on Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Blockchain 2018 Davos

ichai Sundararajan, also known as Sundar Pichai, is an Indian American business executive, the chief executive officer of Alphabet Inc. and its subsidiary Google LLC. Pichai began his career as a materials engineer and joined Google as a management executive in 2004. – Wikipedia

Many people in the world come to  the United States for study. Many people work after graduating from college. Many of them takes office as CEO even the world’s biggest companies. This is a strength of the United States. I don’t see this situation in many in Japan.

Ali Baba founder Jack Ma talks to entrepreneurs at Nailab Incubator

Jack Ma, or Ma Yun, is a Chinese business magnate, investor, politician and philanthropist. He is the co-founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a multinational technology conglomerate. Ma is a strong proponent of an open and market-driven economy. – Wikipedia

– Convincing people is not by words, by the results.
– Making sure your dream can be realized, progress, employees believe it, customer satisfaction. 
– You have to dream globally where you have to win locally. You have to survive today, but you have to think about future.
– Opportunity always lies in the place where people complain.
– Empower others.
– Leader should have a vision. vision is not nessesally very good. should inspire the people. 
– Leader is to see the problems of the future.
– Leadership is making sure everybody believe a vision.

Jack Dorsey at Startup School 2013

©Y Combinator

The Art Spirit by Robert Henley
– If you succeed someone you may have to pay for it as well as enjoy it for the rest of life.
– We are not here to do what has already been done. 

– Don’t worry about rejection. Don’t let it matter if your work are not accepted at once.
– You cannot do anything without a shared and common sense of purpose. If you don’t have a motive if you don’t have a purpose that are shared between everyone you will wonder about you will wobble.
– You are building what you want ot see in the world. You are making that bet that other people want to see the same thing in the world.

The Score Takes Care of Itself by Bill Walsh
– Focused entirely on the details in daily attitude.
– You start first with a structural format and basic idea, philosophy of purpose, mission and then find people who can implement it.
– Establish a standard performance, specific actions and attitudes relevant to your teams’ performance and production.
– Be clear and clear communicating your expectations of high effort and execution of your standard performance.
– Let all know that you expect them to possess the highest level of expertise in their area and responsibility.
– Beyond standards and methodology, you teach your beliefs your values and your philosophy.
– good luck is a product of good planning.
– Be demanding, do not relax.

©Stanford Graduate School of Business

Facebook’s 5 core values via Mark Zuckerberg & Sheryl Sandberg

©Dan Croitor

– No one does when they begin ideas don’t come out fully formed. They only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started.
– There is always someone who wants to slow you down.
– Let’s do big things not just to create progress but to create purpose.
– You also have to create a sense of purpose for others.
– Done is better than perfect.
– Experience is not important. I’ve started the company at age 19. Focus on talent. We can assess what people get done in their life.
– You should start with the problem that you’re trying to solve. Drive social change. Beliving what you are doing.

Airbnb Co-Founder Brian Chesky

©The New York Times Conferences: Airbnb Co-Founder Brian Chesky Talks Customer Safety and More | DealBook

– If people don’t like you, you should meet them. If you meet them, listen to them, educate them who you are, 99% times out of 100 things will end better.
– Business decision is you make a decision hoping for a specific outcome. Principle decision is irrespective of what the outcome is what do you think the right things to do.
– Founder and CEO are different. 
– Room will be more personal, more local, more feel like home. 
– Startup has a significant amount of responsibility.

Zappos’ Hsieh: Building a Formidable Brand

©Stanford Graduate School of Business

Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
– The power of wow.
– What do customers expect?
– What do customers actually experience?
– What emotions do customers feel?
– What stories do they tell their friends?
– How can culture create more stories and memories?

– The culture is the first priority. If you get the right company culture, the other stuff, delivering great customer service or building long term enduring brand will just happen naturally on its own.
– Work life integration.
– The second importance aspect is that great company has a vision, higher purpose beyond just money or profit.
– Vision and culture inspire passion and purpose
Good to Great by Jim Collins
Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization by Dave Logan (Author), John King (Author), Halee Fischer-Wright (Author)

1. Deliver wow through service.
2. Embrace and drive change.
3. Create fun and a little weirdness.
4. Be adventurous, creative, and open-minded.
5. pursue growth and learning.
6. Build a positive team and family spirit.
7. Do more with less.
8. Be passionate and determined.
9. Be humble.

Zappos Campus Tour | Tour Our HQ | Company Culture

Message: Everyone is a leader in own life

I’m still thinking, can I be a leader? Steve Jobs says “Keep looking, don’t settle. “Dr. Inamori says “Success is determined by willpower. When I feel anxiety, I remind the Six Endeavors below:

1. Strive Harder than Anyone Else
2. Remain Humble
3. Reflect Daily
4. Appreciate Life
5. Do Good Deeds and Serve Others
6. Don’t Dwell on the Past

My determination may not so solid, but I don’t stop. I will figure out about it in 2019.

After notes(November 11, 2019):
In late 2019, I added some videos. I also read some books since I wrote this blog. I agree with what Simon Sinek said. All leader has a follower. If people want to follow you, you are the leader. Leader inspires people. I felt that leadership cannot learn on YouTube at all. Try to do it actual daily life. Fail over and over again. Otherwise, I cannot acquire leadership skills.

Leadership may be a part of the congenital ability, but ordinally people, like me, can be a leader through an effort. You can see this situation in society. I watched all the videos above. We may be able to develop leadership skills, but we cannot be a leader unless we do. We cannot be a leader unless we fail over and over again.

Let’s Study Together

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I am learning the business of design as a freelance. I would like to hear your story based on an experience. Please send a comment or opinion. I will reply to you shortly.