Story: Quality of question

I have started to use UpWork. The client sometimes invites me for an interview. I could not engage with clients efficiently for 2 months. I reflected on how I was.

First of all, it was the lack of client’s information. I can see many cases that the client does not explain their business and problem in the description. Instead of that, the client just mentions what they need. If it’s a small task, printing design or banner for digital marketing, it has not a big problem. However, if it’s branding or website, I have to ask more deeply during the meeting, but I cannot if I don’t know their business. I have to search at least their business and industry before an initial interview. I should refuse an interview if they don’t provide any information. It will ruin both of the time.

So, I have to ask questions for building a brand or website. I don’t think there are many variations. Therefore, I would like to prepare for it now.

yahoo! small business: 9 Most Important Questions to Ask a Potential Client
InVision: For better client communication, ask these 12 questions

Freelance: How to Talk to Clients

©️The Futur

Before start project:
Be clear, give context.
– Make sure the role and responsibility.
– The goals and parameters of the assignment.

Agree on expectations.
– Scope of work
– Badget/rate and schedule.
– Office hour

Be transparent. Be honest.
– Ask challenges and issues.
– Don’t ask if you can find it on Google.

Basic promise, over-deliver.

After a project starts:
Be clear, give context.
– What I did. Mention what the client said.

Agree on expectations.
– Confirm feedback
– Make a list and prioritize
– Set the data of delivery

Be transparent. Be honest.
– If you have a challenge
– Question
– If client ask you out of scope, say everything possible if we have a money and time.
– Does this need to accomplish the goal?

Always deliver:
– On-time.
– Confirm to the team before delivery.

– Keep your emotion out of it.
– Focus on how I will get there.
– Care outcome.
– Say we instead of you.

Winning The 1st Client Meeting


– 1st meeting of a client is an interview, sales meeting.
– Know you, Like you, trust you.
– Small talk, personal relationship.
– Look for common ground before the meeting.
– Previous experience(industry/BtoB/BtoC) or story.
– Video may help your engagement.

The Most Important Questions to Ask New Clients

©️GaryVee TV

– What is the key performance indicator?
– What are you judging us?
– What is the problem? What do you want to accomplish?

The 3 Most Powerful Sales Questions Ever

©️Ago Cluytens

– Where do you want to be or go?
– Where are you now?
– What’s holding you back?

Establish The Terms of Engagement During First Client Meeting

©️The Futur

*11:05 The talks about the first meeting.
– Connect, get to know people.
– Align, identify the meeting and the expected outcome.
– Deity of choice, what the main purchase decision factor for each person.
– Clarify, concise summerly
– Ask, what do they need a proposal.
– Next step, what are the next step.

When client tells me what they need.
– Listen
– Ask the sales process
– Audience
– Objection

We can say that I am not the best pertner for you.

Why Some Designers Are More Valuable Than Others

©️The Futur

– What a creative person more valuable?
– Ability to help others find their meaning/purpose.
– Your value is determined by the quality of the question you ask.

UX Design Process – First Questions to Ask

©️The Future

– What makes your user feel good?
– Who you designing for?
– What is the user goal in this interaction?
– Why does the user want to accomplish this goal?
– What tools does the user needs?
– You control your output, not client input.

Ask More Questions Until The Problem or Solution Becomes Clear

©️The Future

– I don’t sell my idea, I sell your idea.
– When a client asks you, they may have an answer. They want to validate.
– Just ask more questions until it became much clear.

Opinion: Listening first anyway.

After watching the video, I reminded that I have to ask the quality of questions. For that, I have to listen.In 2 months’ experience of an online

In 2 months’ experience of an online meeting, I have to bring energy more than face to face meetings. there is a real challenge to me. I have to keep in mind ideal myself.

Check list top 3

*Maintain positive. Keep your emotion out of it.
– Small talk.
– Make sure the role and responsibility.
– Clarify the problem, issue and expectation.

Let’s Study Together

Tell Me About Your Thought

I am learning the business of design as a freelance. I would like to hear your story based on an experience. Please send a comment or opinion. I will reply to you shortly.