Story: Spend money wisely

I am willing to spend money on Google Ads if it has ROI(return on investment). I don’t want to spend money on ambiguous CPC. People doubt the value of Google Ads when they looked at increasing bounce rates.

– Did Google really show ads to the target audience?
– Did this click really a customer? or competitor?

I understand that feeling. If Google ignored the clicks which do not stay website for more than 3 sec, that’s okay, but Google is not so kind. There is a service that protects Google Ads from robot click. That’s a different topic. How to save money on Google Ads? It is optimization. We don’t have to come up with it, learn it from others.

Google Ad Optimization Made Easy: 7 Priceless Tips to Save BIG 💰

©Wes McDowell

– Intent ad copywriting
– Separate ad for different keywords
– Created landing page for each ad
– Show your business on the map, enable the location extension
– Increase budget on high-performance ad
– Use negative keywords

Google Ads Tips: 4 [MUST HAVE] AdWords Optimization Tips

©Clicks Geek

– Pause low-engaged keywords
– Add negative keywords from a search terms report
– Add keywords from a search terms report
– Devices > modify column for devices > check Impr

10 Google Ads Optimization Tips and Best Practices for Search Campaigns 2020

©Surfside PPC

This is advanced. You need to know the basics.

– Build and organize a campaign, ad group and ad
If I have many products, I may be able to choose keywords and ad group more specifically. 

– Modify(disable) lower bid keywords without increasing budget
– At first, using Manual CPC. Then, test smart bidding strategies (click optimization score)
– Check search terms and add negative keywords
– Use ad group level audience targeting, observation rather than target
– Set a target audience on Google Analytics
– At least 1 responsive search ad and 1 expanded text ad per ad group
– Duplicate 1 responsive search ad and 1 expanded text ad and send them to a different landing page
– Use ad group level ad extension
– Add relevant keywords if you want to increase search volume
– Check relevant keywords and use them in your ad and website

Google Ads at Udemy

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Google Ads

On Black Friday every year, I buy some courses which I need to learn. Some of them are waiting to start in my account. I bought a Google Ads course a few years ago. It’s still 60% accomplishment.

Anyway, we cannot excuse our situation. We are definitely the easiest generation to reach education in history.

Conclusion: OJT

In 2021, knowledge of Google Ads/Facebook Ads are fundamental as a web/graphic designer. After we develop a website, a client should be better position(leads/engagement/inquiry) than before. Otherwise, even we installed SEO keywords and applied sales funnel, all efforts are meaningless. Of course, it takes time to see a certain result. Even so, we need to show the results, a report of Google Analytics.

What will you do if you don’t see good results? What can you offer after developing a new website? We need to learn Google Ads/Facebook Ads to increase the number of site visitors.

Let’s Study Together

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I am learning the business of design as a freelance. I would like to hear your story based on an experience. Please send a comment or opinion. I will reply to you shortly.