Story: How to measure value?
I set up a mission and purpose of my business below in December 2018.
Mission Statement: Building Trust Through Design.
Value: Create Design Better Than Before.
Service: Graphic/web design, branding & digital marketing.
Purpose: To help the client’s business growth by design.
Process: Organize information, analyze a project, create a design, delivery on time.
Goal: Coexistence with clients in mutual prosperity.
I considered how to measure value. I can provide good quality of graphic/web design. However, it’s not a goal. The goal is to increase the client’s business growth. If so, I have to generate new customer for a client consistently. How? That’s why I’m learning digital marketing.
A client asked me how potential customer find up on Google. I’m trying to improve SEO for a client in February – April 2019.
Subject: Google Adwords
Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, video content and generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to web users. – Wikipedia
People search for something on Google every day. Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average, which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.
Before start the digital markting
Process: SEO & Digital Marketing
1. Submit a document, the scope of work, schedule and budget.
2. Client Research(Understand the business situation, problem, and goal setting.)
– Current traffic(Google My Business, Website and Facebook)
– SWOT Analysis(Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities, Threats)
3. Market Research
– Positioning a brand in the marketplace(Vancouver, North Vancouver, Burnaby Richmond Surrey, Coquitlam area)
– Targeting, competitor analyzation, customer needs, approach potential partner.
4. Keyword
– Google Keyword Planner, Facebook Insight, Keyword Everywhere, MOZ
5. Optimization
– The backend setting of Google My Business, Website and Facebook
6. Google Ads
– Ads Setting (A/B test, image, slideshow and slideshow video)
We can apply user experience design(UX)/design thinking everywhere. At first, I have to start to search a client business deeply, industry, competitor, and customer needs. I have to create a scope of work and road map.
The Complete Google AdWords Tutorial
Why do I use Google Ads? Because I can target people who are looking for my service/product. Google Ads structure is quite similar to Facebook business manager, campaign, ad group and ad.
Point: 1 service/product = 1 campaign for gathering reliable data
*Campaign type should set search first.
01. Keyword Planner
02. Cluster Keywords (3 – 5 words)
– Each cluster represents 1 ad group
03. Keyword Match Types
– Broad: Can be any relevant term
– Phrase: Must be a combination of keyword (sequence doesn’t matter)
– Exact: Must be an exact keyword phrase (the same sequence)
04. Ad Copy
Check competitor ads by cluster keywords
05. Campaign Builder
Budget: $3 a Day
Data: –
Networks: Search + Search Partners only (not display)
Languages: English
Location: Vancouver + near cities
Bidding Strategy: Lowest CPA
Ad Rotation: Rotate ad evenly
06. Experiment
Set up your tracking
31:07 Google Ads setting starts
Complete Google AdWords Tutorial for 2018
Get Google Ads coupon: Advertising Voucher
Tips: If you promote a product, insert URL of the top result on Amazon, ignore sponsor ads. It’s the best keyword of the top organic search.
When you use Google Ads, the keyword set is the most important. You can apply design thinking, be pretend as your customer. How does your target find your product/service? What wards do they type? Don’t think too much. Digital marketing is always to try and error. Each spends money will be your future skill.
Tips: About keyword matching options
Broad match: none
Broad match is the default match type that all your keywords are assigned. Ads may show on searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations. So if your keyword is “women’s hats,” someone searching for “buy ladies hats” might see your ad.
Negative keywords: -keyword
Excludes your ads from showing on searches with that term. So if you’re a hat company that doesn’t sell baseball hats, you could add a negative keyword, designated with a minus sign (-baseball hats).
Using broad match: +keyword
Similar to broad match, except that the broad match modifier option only shows ads in searches including the words designated with a plus sign (+women’s hats) or close variations of them.
Phrase match: “keyword”
Ads may show on searches that match a phrase, or are close variations of that phrase, with additional words before or after. Ads won’t show, however, if a word is added to the middle of the phrase, or if words in the phrase are reordered in any way. Designated with quotation marks (“women’s hats”).
Exact match: [keyword]
Ads may show on searches that match the exact term or are close variations of that exact term. Close variants include searches for keywords with the same meaning as the exact keywords, regardless of spelling or grammar differences between the query and the keyword [women’s hats].
7 Common Google AdWords Mistakes to Avoid
01. Choose search network only (not display network)
02. Utilize negative keywords efficiently
03. Optimize for conversion
04. Keyword research & don’t broad match
05. Maximize conversion or manual CPC
06. A/B + C test
07. Understand the goals of Google Ads
Conclusion: Add values of your service
I bought the Ultimate Google Ads / AdWords Course 2018 – Profit With PPC! at I watched the video between January 29 – February 2, total 25.5 hours.
Neil Patel: 7 Deadly AdWords Mistakes That’ll Make You Broke (And How to Fix Them)
Hinge: Marketing Planning Process for Professional Services