Story: Data analysis

When I check the performance of Google Ads on APP, I notice that some demographics which look like not target click Google Ads. It costs me unnecessarily.

I need to know how to target a potential audience by Google Ads. Facebook Ads are easy to do so. Why do I need to search it for Google Ads?

Switch view

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Google Ads
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Google Ads

I watched the video below, but I was confused about the dashboard. Looks very different and I could not find the tab which YouTuber mentions. I looked for what’s wrong with my account. It was view mode and no one mention it.

Google Ads Detailed Demographics

©Paid Media Pros

– Audience on search, you need to have at least a thousand active users every 30 days

I am looking at an overview of Google Ads at Google Ads APP. It shows how Google Ads performed during a certain term. According to the information, I added negative keywords. I also wanted to change the targeting of the demographic. I don’t think that I need to show an ad to age 18-34. They are usually not employers and decision-makers.

Google Ads Help: About demographic targeting

Search campaigns
Age: “18-24,” “25-34,” “35-44,” “45-54,” “55-64,” “65+,” and “Unknown”
Gender: “Female,” “Male,” and “Unknown”
Household income (available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, and the United States): “Top 10%,” “11-20%,” “21-30%,” “31-40%,” “41-50%,” “Lower 50%,” and “Unknown” – from Google Ads Help Website

Age Demographic Targeting in Google Ads and Bid Adjustments

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Google Ads
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Google Ads

©Optimise Lab

The exclude age groups of demographic are exactly what I need. 18-24 and 25-34 do not target the audience.

Google Ads Location Targeting | Expert Tips and Tricks | Google Ads Geo Targeting

©Mike Mancini

I am impressed with Google. According to statistics, Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average, over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide. People look for something. Google knows where they are. Then, Google shows ads to them. Very specific and it makes sense to their business model.

Internet Live Stats: Google Search Statistics

Google Ads Audience Manager and Audience Targeting – Complete Video Guide to Audience Types

©Surfside PPC

– Detail demographics
– Affinity, sounds not easy to define
– Custom interest, sounds not easy to define
– Similar audience, can use website visiter
– Customer match, total spend $50K? Are you sure?

– Google analytics > audience definition > audience ✓✓✓
ex. Website visiter, visit a specific page

– Audience manager > custom audiences > create intent ✓✓✓

Conclusion: Cost performance

I am watching a lot of Google Ads videos on YouTube. Many people mention advertisers need to spend at least 1K. It means below.

1K/mo = 12K/y

Generally speaking, the advertising budget is 10% of profits(I am conservative, so I use profit rather than revenue). At least businesses need to make 120K/y. Not so exclusive, I think.

On the internet, free tools are everywhere. Therefore, many small businesses try digital marketing by themself. That’s okay if they know how much value they earned. Once they afford the outsourcing, they can learn from a digital marketing agency. They can choose a profit share if they cannot trust an agency. There are many choices in the business.

Digital marketing is to spend money and to earn more than you spent. Nothing free.


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