Story: Spend money smartly

Social media allows everyone to run advertising easily. In the other words, people can waste money easily.

One of the features of Facebook Ads is targeting. Facebook captures the user information. Advertisers can run ads to a potential target audience. If you are professional, you may be able to control a manual setting. General people, like me, should use algorism.

If you want to maximize the potential of Facebook Ads, need to learn a lookalike audience.

Create a Lookalike Audience

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Blueprint

A lookalike audience is a way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they’re similar to your best existing customers.

How to Set Up, Install & Use a Facebook PIXEL in 2021

©Eric B. Preston

– Optimize Facebook ads / conversion ✓✓✓
– Install Facebook Pixel before a run ads ✓
– Distinguish which ads worked
– Add Event from Pixel (I don’t have a chance to use it yet.)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Business Manager Facebook Pixel Event

I need to learn about targetting.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel is an analytics tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website.

– Make sure your ads are shown to the right people
– Drive more sales
– Measure the results of your ads

Facebook PIXEL with PixelYourSite(WP Plugin)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Pixel
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Pixel
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Pixel
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Pixel
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel
– Facebook settings > event manager > connect data sources

– Facebook settings > brand safety > domains > add


If you develop a client’s website, you can do brand safety. I would like to set up Facebook Pixel as well as Google Analytics, but I don’t know the standard.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel Helper shows your pixel is working or not. In addition, you can find a website that installed Facebook Pixel as well. Digital marketing companies use it as an indicator. If no pixel, this business may be a potential client.

The ULTIMATE Facebook Lookalike Audience Tutorial

©Ben Heath

Customer list(previous customer), Email list, Website visitor are good performance.
A large size of audience source is better.

– Audiences > Custom Audience > Customer list(Create lookalike source)
– Audiences > Lookalike Audience (need a lookalike source) > Audience location/size(1% would be okay at most of the countries)

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Business Manager Lookalike Audience
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook Ads Facebook Business Manager Lookalike Audience

Facebook Lookalike Audience Tutorial, Pro-tips & Secrets

©Wes McDowell

– Low costs & high engagement
– Email list(ideally over 1000, generally a few hundred)

– Create a custom audience
– Paid a data agency for a list?
– Audience site = start small (it takes 1 to 24 hour)
– LTV(list of lifetime value)

How Will iOS 14 Affect Facebook Lookalike Audiences?

©Ben Heath

People who create the lookalike audience based on the website may influence iOS 14.

 Did Apple Just Kill Facebook Ads? How to Combat iOS14! (Everything will be OK…)

©Foundr Magazine – Entrepreneur & Business Magazine

– Verify your domain
– Prioritizing pixel event

Conclusion: Keep updated frequently

A privacy controversy is very unstable. We never know what will be standard in the North America. It will be more strict in the future.

Learning digital marketing is necessary for web designers, but I feel fear relying on just one source, Facebook. Once social media company disable my account, it’s over. As a solution, we need to use client business managers for client ads. we also need to learn Google Ads(relatively costs high…) as well.

Let’s Study Together

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I am learning the business of design as a freelance. I would like to hear your story based on an experience. Please send a comment or opinion. I will reply to you shortly.