Story: Learning Facebook

When I look at a footer on Facebook for a business page, I found many contents. I believe the majority of the people don’t check it. Think about the reason why Facebook created these pages.

I would like to discover useful information about Facebook for business.

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Google Ads Resource

Facebook Blueprint

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook

Facebook Blueprint is a free online learning platform. Many people may doubt that Facebook for learning? Once you run Facebook Ads, you realize that it’s difficult to run ads properly. Precisely, you can run ads or boost posts easily, but you never know how to measure it.

You can also find information on YouTube. Video is easier than text. I eager to complete all content on this page, like gaming. That’s why I use Facebook Blueprint.

Facebook Portal

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook

For educators, Facebook provides a portal, not a device. I know nowadays basic programming is a student’s subject. It depends on what they want to become. If a student wants to be a digital marketer, they need to learn about Facebook. Because of demand.

I don’t know when, but Facebook sent me this information even though I am not an educator. I am going to use the portal after I completed Facebook Blueprint.

Facebook Mobile Studio

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook

As natural human behavior, people look at a moving object rather than a just object. I don’t know much about TikTok, but video contents are everywhere. It means there are tons of solutions to make a video. Facebook Mobile Studio is one of it.

Case Studies

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook

Facebook Ads is all about the test(assumption) and optimization. Do we need to start from scratch? No. We can learn about people who run a successful campaign. It’s no a secret if you are willing to learn.

Facebook Ad Library

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Why people react to this ad? Video, image or copy? What’s the difference between this and my campaign? Facebook ads library archives all running ad include your competitor.

Creative Hub

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook


Facebook IQ

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook

Insights Tools is interesting data. The number is always persuasive, but I still not sure how to use the information for the client’s project.


Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook

Audience Network extends Facebook’s people-based advertising beyond the Facebook platform. With Audience Network, publishers can make money by showing ads from Facebook advertisers in their apps.

 When I saw the Facebook group icon, I did not familiar with 1 icon. It’s Facebook Audience Network. I am still not sure about the value of it.

FACEBOOK Marketing Partner

Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook
Open Bookmarks Co. Blog Facebook

I am curious Facebook marketing partner platform. How much can they engage with a user who looks for a digital marketing service? I like to see how the marketing company structures the website. It should be pursasive and we can learn from it.

Conclusion: Under the controversial

Big 4, Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon makes controversy in daily life, monopoly, privacy or unfair algorithm. Some radical people mention the idea of dismantling. I don’t think it’s happened near future. Many businesses, on the other side, rely on their service.

I don’t know what will happen in the future. I keep learning if a client needs it.


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