Story: Sustainable life
UN(The United Nation) adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
I believe you know that we are facing urgent global issues, such as poverty, inequality, education opportunity, energy consumption, economic gap. These are equally important to us. Global warming is on top of that. I think these issues are an assumption based on a sustainable planet. Without our beautiful earth, the problem itself doesn’t exist.
Therefore, I would like to research the current circumstances of climate change.
WATCH: Greta Thunberg’s full speech to world leaders at UN Climate Action Summit
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg chastised world leaders Monday, Sep. 23, for failing younger generations by not taking sufficient steps to stop climate change.
“You have stolen my childhood and my dreams with your empty words,”
Thunberg said at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York.
“You’re failing us, but young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you,”
she added.
Thunberg traveled to the U.S. by sailboat last month so she could appear at the summit. She and other youth activists led international climate strikes on Friday in an attempt to garner awareness ahead of the UN’s meeting of political and business leaders. – @PBS NewsHour
The atmosphere of society has changed after this speech. There are many strikes of the young generation in the world. This is a meaningful movement.
People who have the right of the vote cannot complain only about politics. We chose them whatever their manifest was. Everyone has a guilty even you might not vote. In Canada, there is a federal election on October 21, 2019. Local newspaper, metro, features new voter of new generation. Her speech has a much impact and value to discuss. I do want to think of climate issue more personal.
Climate Change and Why We Should Panic voiced by Keira Knightley | Extinction Rebellion
– Human activity currently generates an excess of carbon emissions.
– Causing higher temperatuers which melt ice sheets glaciers contributing to rising sea levels and floods.
– The planet is already 1 degree celsius warmer than it was 120 years ago.
– We will see to pollution of oceans and air shortages of food and fresh water the extinction of many species.
– Millions of casualties due to floods storms heat waves droughts and disease.
Causes and Effects of Climate Change | National Geographic
Human activities from pollution to overpopulation are driving up the earth’s temperature and fundamentally changing the world around us. It sounds ironic. We suffer climate change which we made a cause. We have a duty to solve this issues.
– The greenhouse effect. Let the sunlight in, but greenhouse traps in the air. The result is the world becomes warming.
– The past atmospheric carbon dioxide hasn’t reached today’s levels.
– Burning fossil fuels increase CO2.
– Ocean. Ice sheets such as Greenland and Antarctica are melting. The sea levels to rise and flood.
– Weather. Intense storms, floods, heavy snowfall and droughts.
– Food. Growing crops becomes more difficult. Plants and animals can live shift and water supplies are diminished.
– Health. Smog contains ozone particles which increase rapidly at higher temperatures. Smog becomes cause of asthma heart disease and lung cancer.
Climate change: what to expect and are there really two sides? | Ask Bob
In 1970s, Bob McDonald already mentions about the global warming. It is great prediction.
– Question: The earth has fone through dramatic changes in the past when the dinosaurs were here. In addition, we have had five ice ages. How does it different compared to the last 12,000 years?
– We are doing(facing climate change) only decades that used to take thousand of years to do. We have our foot on the accelerate we’re causing changes that are happening very very quickly.
– Nature does not have time to adapt to it. All hapened within the last hundred and 50 years since we began burning coal oil and natural gas.
– Solution is stop putting the emissions in.
– We won’t go higher than 2 degrees if we stop all of the industry now. It doesn’t reasonable. We may even go up to 4 degrees.
– Difference in the average temperature between the ice age and now was 5 degrees.
– Difference of climate and weather. Whereas weather refers to short-term changes in the atmosphere, climate describes what the weather is like over a long period of time in a specific area.
– Difference of carbon and methane. Methane is typically ignored because it accounts for a much smaller percentage of total emissions. But this particular gas has a warming potential that is significantly higher than carbon dioxide.
– It’s cycles that it’s going through. we hace our cycles that we’er going through. we can’t stop what the earth is doing but we can control what we are doing.
A simple and smart way to fix climate change | Dan Miller | TEDxOrangeCoast
– Svante Arrhenius mentions influence of carbonic achid in 1896.
– In 1958, the unchained goodness mentions about clinate change.
– Nasa announced that we have officially crossed a climate tipping point. Unstoppable loss of west antarctic glaciers.
– Reduce emission and we can slow down sea level rise, but we cannot stop it.
– Between 65% and 80% of CO₂ released into the air dissolves into the ocean over a period of 20–200 years.
– We need significantly lower fossil carbon emission.
– Crean energy technology.
– Fee and dividend.
– Find your personal tipping point.
“If We Don’t Protect Nature We Can’t Protect Ourselves” Harrison Ford | Extinction Rebellion
Nature doesn’t need people, people need nature. That’s a strong word, but it’s true. Nature is stronger than human. We should be humble.
– The future of humanity is at stake.
– If we don’t stop the destruction of our natural world, nothing else will matter.
– Don’t forget nature.
– Invest nature and renewal energy.
– Pursue research.
Will the World End Because of Climate Change? | Apocalypse NowThis
– The consequence of climae change could be changed the relationship between human and microbes(Zika virus mutate).
– Human, animal, plant, all need wather.
– There is no planet B, altanative.
– Regional conflicts will inevitably have security concerns.
– Climate change is being caused by humans.
– The solutions to the climate crisis are being developed much faster than people expected.
– Solar, wind, sustainable agriculture, forestry, battery technologies, electric vehicles, retrofitted building. These are job creater.
Conclusion: Prioritize our issues.
After Greta Thunberg spoke at UN, the world recognition has changed. We knew the issue of the climate change, but I don’t think we were serious about it.
We are facing many issues, such as housing, unemployment, disease in life, but it is the time to think about climate change which is equally, even more, important for human.
Reference: Causes and effects of climate change
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